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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Online Jobs Opportunities in Nepal! True or Fake?

Dear All,

After a really long gap, I am here to write about the online jobs that are increasing in Nepal. I was on the middle of my work and I recently got the phone call from one of my friend who hoped me to know something related to my field. I am writing them down here hoping it will help people who might have similar queries as Matrika Ji.

Friend's Description:

Recently he had seen some advertisement on newspaperof some organizations. Its about the online jobs. The organization told him that their office would be giving an online job. According to his information, the organization - office had lot of online jobs such as form filling and data entry jobs that are needed to be done. For that jobs, the office would be training the individuals for some months. The office asked for NRs 10,000 for each individuals so that they would be get necessary training. The office also said that after the training their rate would be $10 / hours working rate. And all individuals would be making money at that rate.

My friend called me to make sure whether these "offices" are telling them right or just trying to digest their money in the name of giving job opportunities.

My Answer to My friend:

There are huge jobs such as data entry and form filling in developed nation like US, Canada etc. But getting those jobs from developed nations and giving it to the individuals is the very difficult task. Maintaining the quality of work and payment issues are the most discussed issue. Yeah, these offices might be with genuine intentions to give job opportunities to free peoples but there are also different offices who might be targeting to digest individuals money in the name of giving training and jobs. So please be careful while joining these offices. Remember following things:

  1. If they are taking NRs. 10,000 for training, make sure to know what they are training actually. Get the curriculum from office and post me here or send me email. So that people like me (engineers) can make sure whether NRs. 10,000 worth training are being provided or not. 
  2. Also make sure what kind of training is it and Certificate that will be provided. Whether these certificates are just valueless or worldwide recognized certificate so that you can work your certificate to other offices.
  3. My view is that NRs. 10,000 is very big amount of money for training people for data entry jobs. Data entry jobs can be done by anyone with basic computer skills and internet skill. You don't need specialized skill in computer field to do such jobs.
  4. Rate said above $10 / hour is the most faking information I have ever heard. Even engineers like me don't get paid on $10 / hour rate, how could a data entry jobs would make that money. Its total fake.


I am a developer in cloudfactory company (sprout technology). We are creating a system so that we can provide people online jobs like data entry jobs. And we have been doing it from past few years. Even we are not in the state of giving jobs in efficient way, I wonder how these organizations are going to give job @ $10 / hour.

It seems some organizations are trying to fraud on innocent people who are in search of job opportunities. 


Now we have open web, facebook. So, if any of you guys feel doubt about those, just post it on comment or email me. There are hundreds of computer professionals in Nepal, who would make you clear whether you are being cheated or not.

Thanks for reading and don't forget to give me your views.


Recently I heard from my friend "Matrika" that the company people were afraid when he asked the questions what I have posted above in blog about the jobs they were saying they will provide. The company people was nervous to give answers about training course details and people who are taking training. Its nice move.. that we found a fraud and warn them :) that we are conscious Nepali Citizen.

Thanks Matrika for you queries and Helping us to identify the fraud organizations. I don't want to disclose the website of that company but for all be safe and careful.

Thanks for reading once again. Comments appreciated below. 

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