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Friday, October 28, 2011

How iPhones and Android Phones changed the way of living our life!


Being Mobile developer, I always think about different mobile technology which is emerging in such a way that is changing each individuals way of living. Today I am writing about the future of technology including mobile technology and How it has changed our lives.

Mobile phones

Past five years from now, there has been lot of smart phones invented by Nokia, Motorola, samsung etc. And these phones were only meant for communicating voice calls. The way of using smartphone devices changed when the first iPhone was unveiled by former Apple CEO Steve Jobs on January 9, 2007, and released on June 29, 2007. After it was released it became the big hit in the apple store and sold more than a million of copies of iPhone.

Why iPhone Took the over Market?
  1. And iPhone is really a smart phone to carry due to its great touch design.
  2. An iPhone can function as a video camera (video recording was not a standard feature until the iPhone 3GS was released) and as a camera phone
  3. It can also be used as a portable media player as iPod touch. 
  4. It has rich Internet client with email and web browsing capabilities. 
  5. Being a phone one can send texts and receive visual voicemail, and has both Wi-Fi and 3G connectivity.
  6. The user interface is built around the device's multi-touch screen which was awesome feature at time time, including a virtual keyboard rather than a physical one. 
  7. Various third-party as well as Apple application software is available from the App Store, which launched in mid-2008 and now has over 500,000 and more "apps" approved by Apple. These apps have diverse functions, including gamesreferenceGPS navigationsocial networking, security and advertising for television shows, films, and celebrities.
  8. The most demanding apps for iPhone in iTune Store are Games.
Other Smartphones on their way

After the huge success of apple many mobile cell manufacturers tried to release different mobile device to compete with the iPhone but none of any smartphones where evolved who can compete with iPhone. Windows Phone had failed many times due to its poor software abilities and Nokia was only the cheap smartphone who could give best model to the smartphone users. But touch mobile for average users was still dream as iPhone was not affordable by the average users of developing countries. 

Android Smartphones to Lead

Android is an operating system for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers. It is developed by the Open Handset Alliance led by Google.  After Google acquired Android Inc. in August 2005, it made the android OS and open source and can be used by different companies for manufacturing smartphones following certain rules and regulation.

After android OS was made open source many Companies started manufacturing the smartphones with Android OS including HTC, LG, Toshiba, Samsung etc which led to the production of cheap Smartphones with different capabilities like Touch Screen, Internet Browsing, Access for android Apps in Android Market etc. 

Now, you can buy android smartphones with different capabilities according to your price plan from Cheap to Expensive one. These phone has taken so much market share and is only the top competitor with the iPhone.  These Android devices are growing in all developing countries too.

Consumers of iPhone Vs Android Smartphones

The iphone targets the users from developed nations like, US, Canada, UK and different EU nations. Since, iPhone is pretty expensive, a developing nations like ours can hardly offer these devices in mass unit. But the android smartphones audiences are wide. Since these devices are cheaper than iPhone and  provides not same but fairly good touch interface like iPhone, developing nations would be the targeted consumers for these devices. 

Since we have these highly rich smartphones in our hand, we can now perform all the web based interactions like net surfing, checking your emails etc can be done via Mobile Web. And whole world is shifting to the mobile version of web and internet which we call it "Mobile Web". Me too use most of time mobile for surfing, checking emails and facebooking in my Nokia E63 smart phones. You can use your mobile anytime / anywhere regardless of your place, any time because you use you cell wherever you go and it will always be with you.


So, don't think that today's smartphone is only of voice call and sending text sms. It can used for various purposes. What you do in computers for surfing internet can also be done in these smartphones. If you are not developer then you might not need computers anymore, coz everything can be and will be possible to done via Smartphones. Think about those possibilities and just imagine what can you do with your mobile phones. Good luck to all with smartphones.

Check this news link. Samsung Overtakes Apple in Smartphone Sales

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What are the Online Jobs that can be done in Nepal?

Hi all,

After a certain long gap, I am here to present you an article which will give you light on "Online Jobs" that can be done in Nepal and of course getting paid and also obstacles on getting paid. I have been doing a lot of researches lately and trying to get some opportunities for all people of developing country like ours,  who wants to do something and make earnings. But besides having a lot of talented people here, our country still suffers from unemployment problem and various other issues. I am very sad to say that though we have potential, we don't have opportunity and show our potential to the world.

Today I am writing about the Online Jobs that can be done in Nepal and its difficulties which is of course in  getting paid. And yes also some light on Crowd Sourcing (Next big wave to come).

Many people have heard about the online jobs. Some people says we can't get money doing online jobs, they are only rumors. And some don't believe that one can make earning doing online jobs. When I was on college also, I tried to do many online jobs and get paid. I will share about it too. But the bottom line is, there are lot of "Online Tasks" (better to say this way), when you do it you will get paid. And Yes there is possibilities of doing online tasks and making money from it. Let's discuss these things in brief so that we all understand it quiet easily.

What are Online Jobs?

The tasks that are done online via internet are online jobs / tasks. The online task could be anything from data entry jobs, digitizing the texts from image, advertising google ads to any small tasks that needs human interaction and involvement. There are tones of work that are produced in offices and it is being unmanageable to hire a lot of employee for these jobs. So they just make their jobs / tasks online and allow different users from different location to participate and do these works and are paid according to their work.

So, for the question if there are online jobs or not, the answer is definitely YES. There are online tasks / jobs and there are people who make living with these earnings.

Online Job in Nepal

There are some sites, which promise to give a online job including affilate programs, advertising, data entry jobs etc. I have seen few of them after searching in google but I am not sure whether they are truly doing their job of providing online jobs to uplift the people's income or not. If any of you have ever been through these jobs, please post me on comments regarding your experience or mail me to thamelstreet@gmail.com. 

The most followed program for online earning in Nepal is Adsense program. Please visit this site to know more about Adsense program. It is always easy to do any online job that are available in the internet. But the actual problem comes when you try to get paid for your work. Go through different guides for getting payment stuffs and cycles in Nepal. The bottom line is you will get paid from google. They provide you a check when you account balance reaches $100. To cash that check you need to remit your check through your local bank which has remittance facility.

Similarly, there is new term "Cloud Computing" which is growing rapidly these days. In upcoming years or two, all the developing nations would be targeted as the worker for doing micro tasks. The Developed countries companies are shifting their technology to follow a Cloud Computing or Crowd Sourcing.

It means that the big task that are generated in developed countries are broken in smaller pieces and are sent to group of crowd for accomplishment. After each task is accomplished, they are reunited together and solution for a problem is generated though the use of crowd. There is so huge opportunity for Nepali people or say most people from developing countries to work as a part of crowd worker.

Learn from India, How they are growing?

India our neighborhood country is developing so fast. They are using modern technologies for providing employment to all people and uplift their daily life. I guess you guys have heard about Mechanical Turk. If not it a platform created by Amazon.com which gives work to all micro workers. Check out it's website. You can log into it as Worker if you want to work or Log as Requester if you want your work to be done. Work on different hits and you will earn as you work. The Mechanical Turk has huge number of workers who work from world wide and 1/3 rd part of these workers are from India. Mturk has also facilitate to the workers of Indian to pay their balance directly in Indian Rupees.

Mechanical Turk in Nepal?

Yes of course you can work in mturk and earn dollar. But problem in Nepal is that, Amazon has no rules or any sort of flexibility for providing payment system in Nepal. May be they don't knw that there are huge  worker force potential from Nepal or I guess We are not drawing enough attention to Mturk. If we succeeded on drawing attention, it would be easier for us to work and get paid as in India. But don't worry,  for our country, there is something really good going for us. Time will tell us what good thing is.


What I want to say from this article is that, we need to know what is Crowd Sourcing and How can our country be developed through this technology. There is huge work coming to developing countries like ours and most african countries. So, be prepared for this new exciting events. Sooner, we shall be uplifting ourselves as a whole country. I know there are huge talent Nepali fellows all over the world living only their own luxury life but they lack patriotism which is causing this beautiful Country (NEPAL) to be underdeveloped though we have diversity in nature, cultural heritage, and many more.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Future of Internet: Is Mobile Web better than Mobile Apps?

As we all know, mobile is gaining so much popularity now a days. People are relying in mobile phones for their almost all kind of works. I guess I don't need to explain how mobile phones has changed our way of living and doing work. Most recent research shows that billions of users use mobile phone to access the internet.

So most technology innovators and predictors predicts that the age for "Mobile Web" is on the way. So, both developers as well as product launcher should not forget these mobile phone platform to target it as their future consumers.

In this post I am going to write about what is Mobile web and its comparison with the existing mobile apps and their store paradigm.

What is Mobile Web?

Mobile Web is simply a mobile version of a website. People usually open their computer and go through a website to perform their transactions, check emails and facebook status messages etc. But now everything we do in a computer can be done through a mobile devices too. (Yes though we have small screen sizes) The technologies has grown up and taking up its speed so fast that now a days these small hand held devices called "Mobile Smart Phones" are capable of connecting to the internet and get facilitate with websites and its services. 

When you open a google.com or facebook.com in your mobile browser, you see the mobile version of that website which is specially designed for your mobile phone browsers. These great giants has already ported their famous product in mobile web. So, if you have your own product or website which has 1000 of users then you should probably go on building your mobile version of your site too because "it is lot easier to get updated on a site through mobile phone browsers than in a computer if you are not in a office whole day". If you travel a lot, mobile phones would be very great choice of yours to get connected and know your products status and services.

What about Mobile apps?

There is a trend going on creating a mobile apps for your products. Most companies targets the iPhone and Android platform first to create their product App so that they can communicate with their servers. There are thousands of successful mobile apps in each Apples Store and Android Marketplace. And these are the most successful approach for creating your product. Most people are investing in this sector and are profited too. And these store will continue to dominate over some years or less until Mobile Web comes to rise.

Mobile Web Vs Mobile Apps:

Both mobile web  and mobile apps has their own areas where they predominate. In some aspect the mobile web would definitely win whereas in some aspect, mobile apps are the clear winner. Let's have a brief discussion on these two separately.

The mobile web can take over mobile apps due to following reasons.
  1. Creating each apps for different platform is costly and headache to maintain. Whereas if you create one mobile web compatible site, then these would be compatible with all the mobile phones, as all mobile phones has their own mobile browsers.
  2. Mobile Web would cost less development cost, maintenance costs and update cost than corresponding mobile apps for different platforms. (i.e. submitting in store, getting approved takes time).
Whereas if you are creating app which uses the hardware capabilities such as games, then mobile web can't do it. Native mobile apps is the clear winner for these kinds of product.


So we can conclude that, if you are creating a simply web related stuffs which has URL calls, then it is better to create a mobile web version of your site rather than creating individual apps for different platform. However you are creating apps which uses the devices store facility, camera apis, hardware acceleration such as in games, then creating Native apps is your only efficient way and maximize your product performance.

If any of guys want to know more about "Mobile Web", how to program it like stuffs, please feel free to post comments. I would like to post articles as per you guys want to read (However being so busy lately) :) Happy Sharing and get going with new technologies.

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