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Monday, October 17, 2011

Future of Internet: Is Mobile Web better than Mobile Apps?

As we all know, mobile is gaining so much popularity now a days. People are relying in mobile phones for their almost all kind of works. I guess I don't need to explain how mobile phones has changed our way of living and doing work. Most recent research shows that billions of users use mobile phone to access the internet.

So most technology innovators and predictors predicts that the age for "Mobile Web" is on the way. So, both developers as well as product launcher should not forget these mobile phone platform to target it as their future consumers.

In this post I am going to write about what is Mobile web and its comparison with the existing mobile apps and their store paradigm.

What is Mobile Web?

Mobile Web is simply a mobile version of a website. People usually open their computer and go through a website to perform their transactions, check emails and facebook status messages etc. But now everything we do in a computer can be done through a mobile devices too. (Yes though we have small screen sizes) The technologies has grown up and taking up its speed so fast that now a days these small hand held devices called "Mobile Smart Phones" are capable of connecting to the internet and get facilitate with websites and its services. 

When you open a google.com or facebook.com in your mobile browser, you see the mobile version of that website which is specially designed for your mobile phone browsers. These great giants has already ported their famous product in mobile web. So, if you have your own product or website which has 1000 of users then you should probably go on building your mobile version of your site too because "it is lot easier to get updated on a site through mobile phone browsers than in a computer if you are not in a office whole day". If you travel a lot, mobile phones would be very great choice of yours to get connected and know your products status and services.

What about Mobile apps?

There is a trend going on creating a mobile apps for your products. Most companies targets the iPhone and Android platform first to create their product App so that they can communicate with their servers. There are thousands of successful mobile apps in each Apples Store and Android Marketplace. And these are the most successful approach for creating your product. Most people are investing in this sector and are profited too. And these store will continue to dominate over some years or less until Mobile Web comes to rise.

Mobile Web Vs Mobile Apps:

Both mobile web  and mobile apps has their own areas where they predominate. In some aspect the mobile web would definitely win whereas in some aspect, mobile apps are the clear winner. Let's have a brief discussion on these two separately.

The mobile web can take over mobile apps due to following reasons.
  1. Creating each apps for different platform is costly and headache to maintain. Whereas if you create one mobile web compatible site, then these would be compatible with all the mobile phones, as all mobile phones has their own mobile browsers.
  2. Mobile Web would cost less development cost, maintenance costs and update cost than corresponding mobile apps for different platforms. (i.e. submitting in store, getting approved takes time).
Whereas if you are creating app which uses the hardware capabilities such as games, then mobile web can't do it. Native mobile apps is the clear winner for these kinds of product.


So we can conclude that, if you are creating a simply web related stuffs which has URL calls, then it is better to create a mobile web version of your site rather than creating individual apps for different platform. However you are creating apps which uses the devices store facility, camera apis, hardware acceleration such as in games, then creating Native apps is your only efficient way and maximize your product performance.

If any of guys want to know more about "Mobile Web", how to program it like stuffs, please feel free to post comments. I would like to post articles as per you guys want to read (However being so busy lately) :) Happy Sharing and get going with new technologies.

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