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This is a blog where you can get some knowledge that i have learned and been using. Sharing is gaining pals. So Happy Sharing and don't forget to follow and link my blog with yours! Thanks.
Happy Programming!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Form Validation Using JavaScript!!

Bank General Information!
All the fields should be filled.
Name :
Location :
Contact No :
E-mail address :
Create Password :
Confirm Password :
Source Code:<html>
<title>Mutiple function call!!</title>
<script language="javascript">
function validate_number() {
var str=document.frmbanksignup.txttel.value;
if (isNaN(str) == true) {
alert("Telephone number should be numeric value!!");
document.frmbanksignup.txttel.value = "";
return false;
function validate_email() {
if(valid()) {
return true;
return false;

function valid() {
var str=document.frmbanksignup.txteadd.value
if(str.indexOf('@') < 0) {
alert("Your have entered an Invalid email address");
document.frmbanksignup.txteadd.value = "";
return false;
if(str.indexOf('.') < 0) {
alert("Your have entered an Invalid email address");
document.frmbanksignup.txteadd.value = "";
return false;
if (str.indexOf('@') > str.indexOf('.')) {
alert("Invalid address!! The '@' symbol must comes before the '.' Symbol of any email ddress!!");
document.frmbanksignup.txteadd.value = "";
return false;
alert("Index of @: " + str.indexOf('@') + " Index of . : " + str.indexOf('.'));
return true;

function Chk_Null() {
if (document.frmbanksignup.txtname.value == "") {
alert("Name can't be empty!!");
return false;
else if (document.frmbanksignup.txtlocation.value == "") {
alert("Location name shouldn't be empty!!");
return false;
else if (document.frmbanksignup.txttel.value == "") {
alert("Contact Number shouldn't be empty!!");
return false;
else if (document.frmbanksignup.txteadd.value == "") {
alert("E-mail address shouldn't be empty!!");
return false;
else if (document.frmbanksignup.txtpass1.value == "") {
alert("Password field shouldn't be empty!!");
return false;
else if (document.frmbanksignup.txtpass2.value == "") {
alert("Please confirm your password!!");
return false;

function confirm_password() {
if (document.frmbanksignup.txtpass1.value != document.frmbanksignup.txtpass2.value) {
alert("Your password doesn't match!! Please Try again!!");
document.frmbanksignup.txtpass1.value = "";
document.frmbanksignup.txtpass2.value = "";
return false;
<form name="frmbanksignup" method="post" action="Contents.html">
<table width="372" border="3" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="2">
<td height="34" colspan="2" bgcolor="#B9E9F"><center><strong><u>Bank General Information!lt;/u></strong></center></td>
<td height="34" colspan="2"><font face="Calibri" color="#FF0000><b>All the fields should be filled.</b></font><td>
<td width="141" align="left">Name :</td>
<td width="198"><input name="txtname" type="text" size="25" /></td>
<td align="left">Location :</td>
<td><input name="txtlocation" type="text" size="25" /></td>
<td align="left">Contact No : </td>
<td><input name="txttel" type="text" size="25" onChange="return validate_number()"/></td>
<td align="left">E-mail address : </td>
<td><input name="txteadd" type="text" size="25" onChange="return validate_email()"/></td>
<td>Create Password : </td>
<td><input name="txtpass1" type="password" size="25" /></td>
<td>Confirm Password : </td>
<td><input name="txtpass2" type="password" size="25" onChange="return confirm_password()"/></td>
<td><input type="button" name="bttnchk" value="Check it" onClick="return chk_Null()" ></td>
<td><input type="reset" name="Reset" ></td>

Monday, October 19, 2009

Use of Slice() Function in Javascript!!

Use of Slice() Function in Javascript to get a portion of given text!!

Input Your Text Here:



Source Code:

<head><title>Use of Slice() function!</title>
<script language="javascript">
function slicetxt() {

Input Your Text Here: <input type="text" name="txtslice"><br>
<select name="start1">
<option value="-4">-4
<option value="-3">-3
<option value="-2">-2
<option value="-1">-1
<option value="0">0
<option value="1">1
<option value="2">2
<option value="3">3
<option value="4">4
</select> <br>

End: &nbsp;
<select name="end1">
<option value="-4">-4
<option value="-3">-3
<option value="-2">-2
<option value="-1">-1
<option value="0">0
<option value="1">1
<option value="2">2
<option value="3">3
<option value="4">4
<input type="button" name="bttnslice" value="Slice" Onclick="slicetxt()">
<input type="text" name="txtdisp" >

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Use Of Bgcolor To new Window Using JavaScript!!

Use of bgcolor to new window !!

Choose the bgcolor:

<script language=javascript>
function NewWindow() {
new_win = window.open("","defaultwindow","toolbar=yes,resizable=yes");
color = document.form1.cbocolor.options(cindex).text;
new_win.document.write("<html><body bgcolor="+color+">Color changed successfully!!</body></html>");
<strong>Use of bgcolor to new window !!</strong>
<form name=form1>
Choose the bgcolor: &nbsp;
<select name=cbocolor>
<option name=blue>Blue </option>
<option name=green>Green</option>
<option name=pink>Pink</option>
<option name=black>Black</option>
</select> <br>
<input type=button name=cmdok value=" OK " onClick="NewWindow()">

Simple Calculator Using JavaScript

This is a simple calculator program written in JavaScript:

Simple Calculator

Exit Calculator!!

<title>Simple Calculator!!</title>

2009 © to Rajan

<script language=javascript>
var Novalue = 0;
function disp(element) {
if (Novalue == 1) {
document.form1.txtres.value = "";
Novalue = 0;

function calc() {
document.form1.txtres.value = eval(document.form1.txtres.value);
Novalue = 1;

function clearall() {
document.form1.txtres.value = "";
<a href="" onMouseOver="if(confirm('Are you sure you want to exit!!')) { exit();};return true;">Exit Calculator!!</a>
<form name="form1">
<table width="204" height="168" border="1" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3">
<td colspan="6"><center><input type="text" name="txtres" readonly="no" width="190"></center></td>
<td width="28" height="29"><input type=button value=1 name=cmd1 onclick=disp(this.form.cmd1)></td>
<td width="28"><input type=button name=cmd2 value=2 onClick=disp(this.form.cmd2)></td>
<td width="28"><input type="button" name="cmd3" value="3" onClick="disp(this.form.cmd3)"></td>
<td width="25"><input type=button value=* name=cmdmul onclick=disp(this.form.cmdmul)></td>
<td width="37" colspan="2"><input type=button value=+ name=cmdplus onClick=disp(this.form.cmdplus)></td>
<td><input type="button" name="cmd4" value="4" onClick="disp(this.form.cmd4)"></td>
<td><input type="button" name="cmd5" value="5" onClick="disp(this.form.cmd5)"></td>
<td><input type="button" name="cmd6" value="6" onClick="disp(this.form.cmd6)"></td>
<td><input type=button value=/ name=cmddiv onclick=disp(this.form.cmddiv)></td>
<td width="37" colspan="2"><input type=button value=- name=cmdminus onclick=disp(this.form.cmdminus)></td>
<td><input type="button" name="cmd7" value="7" onClick="disp(this.form.cmd7)"></td>
<td><input type="button" name="cmd8" value="8" onClick="disp(this.form.cmd8)"></td>
<td><input type="button" name="cmd9" value="9" onClick="disp(this.form.cmd9)"></td>
<td><input type="button" name="eq" value="=" onClick="calc()"></td>
<td width="37" colspan="2"><input type=button value=Clr name=cmdclear onClick=clearall()></td>
<td colspan="6"><center><font face="Courier New, Courier, monospace" size="-1"> 2009 &copy; to Rajan</font></center></td>

Friday, September 4, 2009

Java Script: Introduction


Today's web sites need to go much beyound HTML. There is definite need to allow users, browsing through a web site, to actually interact with the web site. The web site must be intelligent enough to accept users input and dynamically structure web page content, tailor made to the user's requirements.
Capturing usr requests is traditionally done via a FORM. Hence the web site development environment needs to have the facilities to create forms. After a form captures user input, the form must have a built in technique for sending the information captured back to the web server for processing. Processing user requests is generally done via scripts(small programs) that are based on the server.
The web site development environment should also provide facility for Validating user input. Invalid user input, will either cause data to be sent back from the web server to the browser from the web server. Neither of which would really attract repeat visits to the web site.
Hence, the web site development environmnet must also facilitate coding which runs in a browser at client side for data validation. Most development environments offer statnd constructs for data validation. Standard programming constructs are:
  • Condition checking constructs
  • Case checking constructs
  • Super controlled Loop constructs
Javascript is a scripting language (web site development environment) created by Netscape hence Javascript works best with the Netscape suite of Client and Server Products. It is also the default scripting language that Netscapte understands.
Client side javascript is traditionally embedded into standard HTML program. Javascript is embedded between the <script>...</script>
HTML tags. These tags are embedded within the <head>...</head> or <body>...</body> tags fo the HTML program.
Only a browser that is JavaScript enabled will be able to interpret JavaScript code.
Javascript is an object-oriented language that allows creation of Interactive Web Pages. JavaScript allows user entries, which are loaded into an HTML form to be processed as required. This empowers a web site to return site information according to a user's requests.
Advantages Of JavaScript
  1. JavaScript is an interpreted language, which requires no compilation steps. This provides an easy development process.
  2. JavaScript is embedded within HTML which does not require any special or separate editor for programs to be written, edited or compiled.
  3. Minimal syntax - Easy to learn
  4. Quick development due to no need for compilation.
  5. Designed for programming user events such as button, mouseover, oncilck etc.
  6. Easy Debugging and Testing
  7. Platform Independence / Architectural Neutral since it works with any machine which is javascript enabled.
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript">
// Javascript code snippet written here

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Simple Calculator Using VBScript!

Simple Calculator Using VBScript!!

Update: June 25, 2012:

By default this program will run on the Internet Explorer Browser only. If you want to run in Firefox, you would want to add add-on to support VBScript. Since VBScript is Microsoft's Native Scripting language only IE will be able to execute it by default. I saw comments stating that it doesn't work. So guys try running in IE, it will work. Javascript is the scripting language that supports almost all browsers.

This is the Simple Calculator created by using the VBScript. Here, three functions are used to manipulate each buttons, clear all and to calculate the sum when the user creates the "Equal" button!! User interface is given below. Try out the following code to run the program!!

Source Code:
<title>A simple VBScript Calculator</title>
<script language = "VBscript">
Dim Novalue
Novalue = 0

Function Math(val)
If (Novalue = 1) Then
document.f.ans.value = ""
Novalue = 0
End If
End Function

Function equals()
Novalue = 1
End Function

Function Clear()
document.f.ans.value = ""
End Function
<form name ="f">
<table width="184" height="180" border="2">
<td colspan="4"><input name = "ans" type = "text" size="0"></td>
<tr> <td width="41"><input type = "button" value = " 7 " name = "7" onclick = "Call Math('7')"></td>
<td width="41"><input type = "button" value = " 8 " name = "8" onclick = "Call Math('8')"></td>
<td width="41"><input type = "button" value = " 9 " name = "9" onclick = "Call Math('9')"></td>
<td width="41"><input type = "button" value = " / " name = "/" onclick = "Call Math('/')"></td>
<tr> <td><input type = "button" value = " 4 " name = "4" onclick = "Call Math('4')"></td>
<td><input type = "button" value = " 5 " name = "5" onclick = "Call Math('5')"></td>
<td><input type = "button" value = " 6 " name = "6" onclick = "Call Math('6')"></td>
<td><input type = "button" value = " * " name = "*" onclick = "Call Math('*')"></td> </tr>
<tr> <td><input type = "button" value = " 1 " name = "1" onclick = "Call Math('1')"></td>
<td><input type = "button" value = " 2 " name = "2" onclick = "Call Math('2')"></td>
<td><input type = "button" value = " 3 " name = "3" onclick = "Call Math('3')"></td>
<td><input type = "button" value = " - " name = "-" onclick = "Call Math('-')"></td> </tr>
<td colspan="3"><input type = "button" value = " + " name = "+" onclick = "Call Math('+')"></td>
<td rowspan="2"><input height="40" type = "button" value = " = " name = "=" onclick = "Call equals"></td>
<td height="28" colspan="3"><input name="button" type = "button" onclick = "Call Clear" value = " Clear All "></td>

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

How to use Cookies in browsers using VBScript?

Do you love Cookies?

The cookie is a small amount of data which is given a name and stores by browser in the clients computer. It is associated with a webpage or website and it can be used to save states of the webpage. For Example:
  1. Saving user preferences.
  2. Recalling user preferences.
  3. Saving and recalling state information.
  4. Enables informations to be accessed by multiple web pages.
Cookies can be written or read by VBScripts, CGI scripts and javascript. Here given below is an example to save to and retrive the cookie from the browser's computer.

Saving Cookies to Eat!!

Write Cookie to Save: Display Saved Cookie:
Source Code:

<title>vbscript - Save Cookies!</title>
<script language =vbscript> 
Sub bttnSave_OnClick() 
If not document.form1.txtcookie.value = "" Then 
document.cookie = document.form1.txtcookie.value 
msgbox("Cookies Saved Successfully!!") 
msgbox("Write data first!") 
End If 
End Sub 

Sub bttnDisplay_OnClick() 
document.form1.txtres.value = document.cookie
End Sub


<form name="form1"> 
<b>Saving Cookies to Eat!!</b><br>
Write Cookie to Save:&nbsp <input type="text" name="txtcookie" value=""> <input type="button" name="bttnSave" value="Save Cookie"><br> 
Display Saved Cookie: <input type="text" name="txtres" value=""> <input type="button" name="bttnDisplay" value="Display Cookie"><br> <input type="Reset" name="Reset" value="Clear"><br> 

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Use of Date function in VBscript!!

Checking validity of date and Using each date's day, month and year.

Source Code.

<head><title>vbscript - Check date!</title>
   <script language =vbscript>
   Dim StoredDate
   document.write("<b>Today's Date is: " & Date & "</b><hr>")
   Sub bttnconvert_OnClick()
   If Not IsDate(document.form1.txtdate.value) Then
   msgbox("Invalid Date!!")
   document.form1.txtdate.value = ""
   StoredDate = document.form1.txtdate.value
   document.form1.txtres.value = day(StoredDate) & "-" & month(storeddate)    & "-" & year(storeddate)
   End if
   End Sub
<form name="form1">
<input type="text" name="txtdate" value="">
<input type="button" name="bttnConvert" value="Convert Date Format"><br>
<input type="text" name="txtres" value="">
<input type="Reset" name="Reset" value="Clear"><br>

Monday, June 29, 2009

Scam Email: Your Email Has Won US$2,500,000.00.

Some home truths about those 'winning notifications'.


Hey Guys, just now i have recieved one email which says that my email won US$2,500,000.00 along with tickets and so on. So what kind of mail is this? It could possible be scam.

Fake Lotteries and Sweepstakes are part of the Advance Fee Fraud toolkit, and widely used to scam millions of people worldwide. Unlike the general Advance Fee Frauds, this one deserves special attention because it is hugely popular and highly effective.

How many times I have seen questions like: "I have been notified I have won a Lottery I never entered, is this a scam?". Oddly, this is actually called a Rhetorical question because it contains the answer within the question itself. Here is the simple version for people that do not understand what I mean:-
If you never purchased a ticket, you can never win..
The answer given is usually ignored by the person asking, simply because they refuse to use common-sense and logical thinking. However let me reiterate the point being made in a wordy way so that the 'Doubting Thomas' screaming inside your head shuts up.

Facts Be In It, To Win It
You cannot win a lottery or sweepstake without actually purchasing a ticket or other entry token. It does not matter one iota that the email you have recieved states "your email was randomly selected", because it is complete rubbish. Likewise, any excuses such as "Sponsored by [insert major company]" is equally false. Major companies may support a real lottery, but they do not provide the millions in winning funds... that is NOT how lotteries and sweepstakes operate.

Lotteries and Sweepstakes are commercially oriented, and they have to make money. The ONLY way they make money is by selling tickets to the public... ie: YOU. The old saying "There is no such thing as a free lunch" fits quite well here.

Foreign Lottos Banned
In some countries, foreign lotteries are outlawed and you would not be allowed to accept any winnings anyway (if it were a real lottery). This is worth noting, though really only a minor point when dealing with these types of frauds.


There are two main types of Lottery and Sweepstake scams, which may be transmitted by email, sms or postal mail.

Advance Fee

In the case of the Advance Fee scam, you would be asked for personal information, possibly a scan of your passport or drivers license. You may also be asked for your banking details too. This seemingly insignificant data can lead to Identity Theft. However, once getting through that stage, you will be asked to pay a fee. The fee may be for taxes, clearance, insurance... whatever. THAT is the scam, and if you pay, you loose.

Fake Cheque

The alternate Fake Cheque scam is very similar to an Overpayment Scam. Here you are issued a plausible looking cheque as "an advance of the winings" or similar excuse. You are told to cash the cheque and to forward a part of the monies somewhere else, again for taxes etc.
In this type of scam, the cheque is really a counterfeit. The proceeds of the cheque will be added to your bank account as you expect. Having sent the requested amount, usually via Western Union or MoneyGram, you sit and await your winnings.

Unfortunately all you are really waiting for is the bank to discover that the cheque is a counterfeit. At that point, the proceeds from the cheque are removed from your bank account and you are investigated for bank fraud. Depending on what country you live in, you may also be liable for immediate arrest and prosecution. Moreover, the bit that you sent to the scammers has to be repaid by you to the bank.

Generally the Advance Fee type is restricted to email or sms and the Fake Cheque type to postal mail. In the case of a Postal Scam, you should take the letter and cheque to your local police and make a report. You will help the authorities gather more evidence to catch those responsible.


Hopefully this serves as enough information to provide clarity to the question raised. Take away the big company names, excuses and theories and you are left only with a common scam that fools many people worldwide. Don't be a lemon, keep your wallets and purses in the closed position. Having read this article, you should never need to ask that question again, because the answer will be YES, IT'S A SCAM.

Source: www.fraudwatchers.org

Saturday, June 27, 2009

How to use Elements array in VBScript!

The concept of the elements array in the VBScript!!!

Objective Question Answers!!

1. Result of 2+2 is:

4 5 6 10

2. Who is father of computer?

Mr. Rajan Charles Babbage Charles Darwin Charles Angels

3. What is DML?

Do More Language Data Mining Language Develop Money Land Data Manipulation langauage

Source Code:
<head><title>Use of VBScript</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="mystyle.css">

<script language="vbscript">
sub scoreclick()
dim score
if (form1.elements(0).checked = true) then
score = score + 5
end if
if (form1.elements(5).checked = true) then
score = score + 5
end if
if (form1.elements(11).checked = true) then
score = score + 5
end if
msgbox ("Your score is:" & score)
end sub

<form name="form1">
<p class="question">1. Result of 2+2 is:</p>
<p class="answer">
<input type="radio" name="q1" >4
<input type="radio" name="q1" >5
<input type="radio" name="q1" >6
<input type="radio" name="q1" >10
<p class="question">2. Who is father of computer?</p>
<p class="answer">
<input type="radio" name="q2" >Mr. Rajan&nbsp&nbsp
<input type="radio" name="q2" >Charles Babbage &nbsp&nbsp
<input type="radio" name="q2" >Charles Darwin&nbsp&nbsp
<input type="radio" name="q2" >Charles Angels
<p class="question">3. What is DML?</p>
<p class="answer">
<input type="radio" name="q3" >Do More Language&nbsp&nbsp
<input type="radio" name="q3" >Data Mining Language&nbsp&nbsp
<input type="radio" name="q3" >Develop Money Land&nbsp&nbsp
<input type="radio" name="q3" >Data Manipulation langauage
<input type="button" name="bttncalc" value="Show Score" onclick=scoreclick()>
<input type="Reset" name="reset" value="Reset">

Thursday, June 18, 2009

How to find Largest Number in VBScript?

This is the simple vbscript program which is will find the largest number from the given three inputs. Here the use of if...then..elseif...else statement is used. Hope you will learn and feel it easy!!

Find Largest Number!!

The user interface goes like below:

First No:
Second No:
Third No:

Source Code :


<head><title>Find Largest Number using vbscript!</title>

<script language="vbscript">
          sub large_no()
             dim a, b, c, res
             res = 0
             if (a>b) And (a>c) then
                res= a
             elseif (b>a) And (b>c) then
                res = b
                res = c
             end if
             document.vbtest.txtres.value = res
          End sub
<form name="vbtest">
<h2> Find Largest Number!! </h2> <hr>
First No:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="text" name="txt1"><br>
Second No:<input type="text" name="txt2"><br>
Third No:&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp<input type="text" name="txt3"><br>
Result:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp<input type="text" name="txtres"><br><br>
<input type="button" name="bttncalc" value="Show Result" onclick="large_no()">
<input type="Reset" name="reset" value="Reset"><br>

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

What is VBscript, Script?

Brief Introduction to VBScript!

  1. Vbscript is the scripting language.
  2. Scripting languages are such type of programming languages which is used to provide control in another host enviroment.
  3. Scripting Languages are interpreted not compiled. They can be embedded to the <head>..</head> section or the <body>..</body> section of the html tags.
  4. <head>..</head> section is prefered one because the head section gets interpreted first than the <body>..</body> section.Vbscript is the client-sided scripting languages which is the light version of VB and default scripting language of ASP.
  5. If you are the good vb programmer then you will not have difficulties in using the vbscript language in your web page.
Sample Vbscript Program:

      <title> Title of Your page!</title>
      <script language = "vbscript">
         Sub welcome()
            Dim String
            String = "Hello"
            String = String & " world!"
         End Sub
   <body onload=welcome()>
      <h3>Use of vbscript in webpage! </h3>

About The Blog - My Few Words

Hi Pals and novice programmers out there,

As we all know today is the world of digital world. The world which is very competitive. There are lot of opportunities in the world but you must the one who is going to grab it. Opportuniy knocks very softly so... be ready to grab it.

Hi, I am Rajan Maharjan. I am the final year student of Engineering in Computer. I have created this blog to share all the lab reports to learn a programming language, the project works, the assignments and all my experiance that I have gained from beginning of my career in engineering till now. I hope that it will help you all guys. The main aim of my blogging is to share the knowledge and gain more and more. You may also have the knowledge which might be helpful to us. So share it and we will be able to establish the social network of engineers and the programmers.

Basically in this blog, I would like to focus on the B.E. in Computer Engineering Faculty. Other faculties will also be included as in earlier semesters, the learning would be quite similar to other faculty like Electronics and Communication and Civil Engineering.

But the focus would be on Computer coz I am computer Student and I may not have the sufficient stuffs of other faculties. But if you know any of it, you may mail me or post a comment on it. It would be a great help and an honor for me for your support.

Rajan © 2009

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